Welcome to Banwell Designs’, and Tom Banwell Designs’ photo licensing page! Here, you will find information on the cost and terms of licensing our photographs for use in your projects.

We pride ourselves on creating unique and original designs that are protected by copyright law. This means that any use of our photographs without our permission is considered copyright infringement, and we take this matter very seriously. However, we understand that there may be situations where you would like to use our photographs for commercial or personal use, and we are happy to discuss licensing options with you.

Our licensing fees vary depending on the intended use of the photograph. We offer a range of licensing options, including one-time use, limited use, and unlimited use. Our fees are based on the scope of use, the duration of use, the size of the image, and other factors. To receive a quote for licensing one of our photographs, please contact us directly and provide us with the details of your project.

Please note that we do not offer exclusive licenses for our photographs. We retain ownership of all our photographs and reserve the right to license them to other parties.

We take great care in ensuring that our photographs are of the highest quality and resolution. When you license one of our photographs, you will receive a digital copy of the image in the format of your choice, along with a license agreement outlining the terms of use.

By licensing one of our photographs, you agree to the terms of the license agreement, which includes restrictions on the use of the image, the duration of use, and the attribution requirements. Failure to comply with these terms may result in legal action, including but not limited to, a lawsuit for copyright infringement.

If you have any questions or would like to license one of our photographs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to work with you to find the best licensing option for your needs.

Contact us at: erin@banwelldesigns.com